Monday, April 4, 2011

Pebble Wrestle - Congrats Wayne Robin

Here is a link a video of the Pebble Wrestle, a bouldering competition that Wayne Robin and I enjoyed with many of our friends in March. Wayne loves the outdoors, and finds climbing to be his sport of choice. Rock climbing is his passion. Crimping on rock challenges Wayne as an athlete, builds his critical thinking, and connects him with a unique community of people. In the context of pragmatic philosophy and supported by the opinions of John Dewey, Wayne compares climbing to an art form of “experience.” The connection with the rock demands the immediacy of experience. A climber must sense and judge the nature of the rock with both the sense of touch and sight, should constantly asses of the current states of the body so that breathing and rests are utilized with optimal precision, and apply mental creativity and boldness of the mind to work through and commit to cruxes. Homeostasis between mind, body, and environment is as crucial as strength to make it to the top of a climb. Not to mention, if luck will be a lady tonight.
For Wayne and me, climbing exercises the virtues of self-improvement and control, connects us to nature and other people, and is a healthy, recreational activity. Albeit it is a strenuous activity… the cramped shoes, tired and achy bodies, finicky weather, intense fear involved in all adventure sports, and dehydration can make us at times, irascible at best. Yet, climbing is something we look forward to even as our skin is repairing from the last day on the ropes. “I’ll give you a catch” is the common phrase a person gives to a climber seeking a belayer, and it requires the service of their attention to protect the safety of the climber. As a couple, rock climbing definitely builds our trust in one another.

Congrats Wayne Robin for winning your division in the competition! I am proud of your climbing success, but I thank you for your thoughtful approach to our passion.

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